Head Gardener, Deborah Bowden will lead a tour of the gardens of this lesser known Oxford College founded in 1893, initially for women only.  Set on the east bank of the River Cherwell, the College enjoys beautiful riverside views over the Botanic Garden and Christchurch Meadow especially from the vantage point of a new roof garden.

The tour includes many very different garden areas and will also provide historical context for the development of the College and its buildings including Cowley Place, built in 1783 by Humphrey Sibthorp, Sherardian Professor of Botany, the garden Building of 1968-70 designed by Peter and Alison Smithson, the Jaqueline Du Pre Music Room completed in 1995 and most recently the College’s 2020 award winning Anniversary Building and Pavilion designed by architects, Gort Scott.  

As well as maintaining and developing the original parts of the gardens with her dedicated team, Deborah has been responsible for the planting plan in 2021 to complement the College’s new buildings.  It has been designed to provide year round interest and take account of diverse growing environments.

The gardens also boast some majestic mature trees, a rose garden, riverside walks and a recently planted dell of tree ferns. 

Start: 2 30pm

Tea/coffee and cake will be served during the afternoon. 

Maximum number 20.       £17 members,  £19 guests

Booking available here.