This is the wonderful time of year when the new calendar of talks and visits will come to you in the post. Any day now!
Some information is already on the website and our first talk can be booked.
Thursday 27th February: ‘From Cumbria to Oxford: Garden History in the Archives’ by Julian Munby FSA
All lectures are online. Zoom links will be sent a few days before each lecture takes place; please enter the zoom ‘room’ by 5. 45pm, for lecture commencement at 6pm.
Registration for each talk will be EventCube:, or via OGT events page. Cost: £4 members (inc other GTs), £5 non-members.
Most lectures will be recorded and available for one week after the lecture. Normally booking will close at 3 00pm on the day of the lecture.
If an event should become fully booked, please contact to be put on a waiting list.
The OGT committee
Talk: Thursday 27 February – From Cumbria to Oxford: Garden History in the Archives
Julian Munby worked at Oxford Archaeology for 30 years on historic buildings and landscapes and has spent even longer researching the history of Levens garden in Westmorland. In this talk Julian will share his latest [...]
Talk: 13 March, Secret Gardens of East Anglia, 6 00 pm online
Award-winning horticulturist, author and freelance garden writer Barbara Segall talks about the inspiration for her book Secret Gardens of East Anglia and some of the 22 delightful gardens in this part of England: some little known, sheltered [...]
Study visit: 26 April, Tree identification at Cuttlebrook Nature Reserve
This study visit will be led by John Morris, one of the volunteers who look after Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve for Thame Town Council. It has several ornamental tree species and a lot of native broadleaved trees planted over the [...]
Visit: 15 May, St Hilda’s College, Cowley Place, Oxford OX4 1DY
Head Gardener, Deborah Bowden will lead a tour of the gardens of this lesser known Oxford College founded in 1893, initially for women only. Set on the east bank of the River Cherwell, the College [...]
Talk: 16 October, Cornard Wood to Fangorn Forest: British Trees in Art and Literature
Trees have always caught the human imagination and nowhere more powerfully than in Britain. We descend from tree-worshippers, and that sense of the sacred has always remained to make trees, and especially forests, at once alluring [...]
Events and lectures from other Gardens Trusts for Winter 2025
Berkshire Gardens Trust Great British Parks - a concise history: a talk by Paul Rabbitts, Landscape Architect Wednesday 22 January 2025 at 7pm, Tickets £7 We are very pleased to welcome Paul Rabbitts, a Landscape [...]
Events, lectures and news from other organisations for Winter 2025
Oxford Botanic Garden and Aboretum Winter lectures 2025 Five Winter Lectures will be hosted at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History this year in January, February and March. Your ticket includes a drinks reception [...]