
This is the wonderful time of year when the new calendar of talks and visits will come to you in the post. Any day now!

Some information is already on the website and our first talk can be booked.

Thursday 27th February: ‘From Cumbria to Oxford: Garden History in the Archives’ by Julian Munby FSA

All lectures are online. Zoom links will be sent a few days before each lecture takes place; please enter the zoom ‘room’ by 5. 45pm, for lecture commencement at 6pm.

Registration for each talk will be EventCube:, or via OGT events page. Cost: £4 members (inc other GTs), £5 non-members.

Most lectures will be recorded and available for one week after the lecture.  Normally booking will close at 3 00pm on the day of the lecture.

If an event should become fully booked, please contact to be put on a waiting list.

The OGT committee