The OGT aims to promote the conservation of the county’s parks, gardens and other designed landscapes, both through the planning system and by advising owners and others involved in the management of these sites.

There are 55 sites in the county on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens and many others of local interest. A review of historic parks and gardens in the county was carried out by Colvin and Moggeridge in 1997. Their report identified 185 sites of special interest, either nationally or at county level.

The OGT and Planning 
Members of the OGT committee have a wide range of expertise and local knowledge which can be drawn on in assessing and commenting on planning applications and local plans. The Trust can assist local planning authorities when they are considering applications for developments that are likely to have impact upon a registered historic park or garden or other designed landscape. If you have a query regarding a planning matter, please contact us at
Working with the Gardens Trust
The Gardens Trust is a statutory consultee in relation to planning proposals which affect registered parks and gardens. When a planning authority receives a planning application which affects a site on the Register, or the setting of such a site, it must consult the Society. Increasingly, the Gardens Trust and the county garden trusts are working together on planning matters. The OGT is seeking to expand its activities in this area, especially by monitoring applications which affect registered sites in the county, and advising local planning authorities on their impact.
The Gardens Trust and the county garden trusts had a joint Historic Landscape Project funded by Historic England until 2015. This helped county gardens trusts throughout England to develop their involvement in planning and conservation activities, including a more active role in the planning system.
Landscapes at risk
Historic England maintains a national Heritage at Risk Register, which includes details of designated heritage assets at risk. Although none of the registered parks and gardens in Oxfordshire is currently deemed to be ‘at risk’, there are a number of individual listed garden structures which are included in the Register. There are also many unregistered parks and gardens in the county which may be at risk of development or neglect. The original function of these landscapes has often changed; and divided ownership can easily lead to the loss of their original character. The OGT’s project on walled kitchen gardens has highlighted the loss of many of the county’s gardens in the course of the last century.

Current concerns